Sunday, September 28, 2014

Blog vs Wiki

A wiki is a website that can be modified by anyone on the internet. A blog is presented as a diary-type of chronological posting of information and articles by internet users. The main different between a blog and a wiki is that wiki can have multiple users. The page can be changed, the post is a collaboration of knowledge, and includes a many to many communication. On the other hand, a blog consists of a post by a single author. Internet users can comment on the post by giving their own opinions but may not change the post. The post and comment is listed in chronological order.

Both wiki and blog are commonly used in today’s networked world. Both blog and wiki are often used for educational and business purpose because it creates a forum/place for people to share their knowledge and give their opinion on a certain topic. Many corporations today use blogs to develop new innovation idea. Moreover many corporations today use blogs as a suggestion box to fix corporation problems.

Wiki can almost be used for anything. We can use wiki as a site to post up school problems and multiply users can change the answer to best answer the question. We can also use wiki to create a short story where the internet user can come together to build a short story based on their personal background and knowledge. In addition, wiki can be used for class projects where students can collaborate together to create a school newspaper or scrapbook of something important.

Work Cited

"50 Ways to Use Wikis for a More Collaborative and Interactive Classroom." N.p., n.d. Web.

          <   and-interactive-classroom/> 

"Directory." Wiki vs. Blog. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Sept. 2014. 

"So What Are Blogs For?" JoelCommcom Joel Comm Is an Internet Pioneer Author Speaker Entrepreneur and Online Marketing Social Media Consultant. N.p., n.d.


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