Monday, November 17, 2014


File sharing is providing different types of internet based site used as a storage space to store data such music, pictures, documents, and games. File sharing usually requires you to upload you document onto a central server. Moreover, with file sharing one can transfer one file from the computer to another computer.
P2P stands for peer to peer networking.  All individuals who are in the network have equal privileged access to the file. Users can provide and use the information. Some examples of peer to peer sharing are Gnutella, G2 and eDonkey.  P2P file sharing does not necessary require an individual to upload their files onto the internet. According to Chris Nuttall, in a articled called “File sharing joins the mainstream”, BitTorrent, currently the most popular P2P tool causes 40-50% of all internet traffic because it breaks big files into smaller files so that it allows the files to be downloaded faster and easier.

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